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Parallel’s Occupational Health and Safety Program is designed to provide the highest standard in Construction safety. Our Occupational Health and Safety Program meets or exceeds WorkSafeBC Standards, the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) Act and Regulations, the Certificate of Recognition (COR) from the BC and AB Construction Associations, as well as, Client requirements in all major industries.

Parallel maintains an independent in-house Safety Training Program that encompasses regulatory certification and safe work procedures. Our in-house training assures that all individuals have a strong foundation of safety awareness and knowledge in addition to other safety and equipment training personnel possess.

CWB, COR, ISN, AVETTA and ComplyWorks Certified


Parallel is passionate about creating a social footprint that supports individual and community development. Our social consciousness is driven by two things; extending our appreciation to the communities we work in; and understanding the power of opportunity. 

To this effect, Parallel has created its social program KIDS IN SPORTS. From sponsoring individual and team sports and providing promotional materials, to developing the Parallel Hockey School; our goal is to see kids In the Game – not watching from the side lines. By participating in sports, Kids stand a greater chance of developing the foundations of success like confidence, self-esteem and a sense of community belonging.

To date, Parallel has sponsored over 1200 youths with our KIDS IN SPORTS Program.

Social Contributon - Kid in Sports

Parallel works in collaboration with the educational body, Institute Training Authority (ITA), which provides nationally recognized formal trade-based certification for Apprentices and Journeymen.

Our teaching is hands on, practical and skill focused. And we have sound reasoning for providing it: Training personnel propels their self esteem which further encourages a strong work ethic and team cooperation. These are drivers for better efficiency and productivity.


Acceptance, appreciation and understanding of variances are prerequisites for compatibility and nurturing cross-cultural relationships. With this approach, stakeholders can bridge communication and cultural barriers while working towards common goals of community and economic evolvement.

Parallel Management has a history of supporting First Nations communities throughout British Columbia and Canada’s East coast in honour of traditional living and cultural identity.

Our Vice President served as a prior Director on the BC First Nations Agriculture Board; remains an advocate for Indigenous hunting, fishing and agricultural rights; and spent a decade educating First Nations youth in comprehensive outdoorsman training such as traditional hunting, tracking and survival skills.

The experience was moving. The result was deepened appreciation for Indigenous culture, and practical comprehension of First Nations alliance building.

By uniting resources and experience, our goal is to serve as a benchmark of creative alliance between First Nations communities and private enterprise in evolving economic and social innovation for future generations.


Our consideration for environmental practices stems from personal governance of sustaining waterways and land stability, timber management and appreciation for a naturalist approach to living such as ranching, farming, hunting and fishing.

This cognizance adds to Parallel's Environmental commitment applied in our project scope:

- Biofuel Product Capture

- Biomass System Builds

- Custom Mulchers

- Water Drainage Ground Shifting Prevention

- Reclamation Work

- Wildlife Management

- Transportation Flow Reduction

- Impact Assessments


Statement is published by Parallel One Enterprises Ltd.

© 2019 Parallel Divisions - Parallel Group of Companies

 Website by Mero Communications

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